
Learned Suffixation

Learned suffixes, as opposed to popular suffixes, are used to create new words for the need of science in an artificial way. It seems to me that, when Men conscientiously interfere in the word creation process, the results look much more messy and unpredictable than when the language does it naturally...

 Here is a list of some noticeable scientific suffixes:




-ée [e]

Botany f.: rosacée, herbacée ; 

Gr. -ée > lycée, musée, caducée, trophée ;

-ane [an]


Chemistry: butane, méthane, propane ;

-ène [En]


Chemistry: kérosène, benzène, acétylène, polystyrène ;

-ide [id]


Chemistry: acide, glucide, protide, lipide ; (converted adj.) liquide, fluide, solide ;

-ine [in]

Chemistry (substances, medicines, synthetics…): albumine, aspirine, benzine, brillantine, caféine, cocaïne, feutrine, glycérine,  insuline, margarine, morphine, nicotine, résine, paraffine, pénicilline, térébenthine, théine, vanilline, vitamine.


-ite [it]

Minerals : bauxite, aragonite, graphite ; stalagmite, stalactite ;

Pathologies : appendicite, bronchite, méningite, phlébite, cellulite ;

granit(e) m. < it. granito m.



Pathologies : angiome, lymphome, mélanome

-one [On]

Biology: hormone, cortisone, progestérone ;

Chemistry : acétone, silicone (derived from silicium) 

Biology: neurone

Chemistry: carbone, silicone (matter used in surgery)

-ose [oz]

Chemistry (sugar) : cellulose

Pathologies : tuberculose, cirrhose, mononucléose, myxomatose, sclérose,  arthrose, névrose, psychose ;

Chemistry (sugar) : glucose > maltose, saccharose

-ure [yr]

Suff. pop. : écriture, nomenclature ;

Chemistry: cyanure, chlorure, bromure, mercure ;

-ate [at]


Chemistry: nitrate, sulfate, glutamate, phosphate ;

-ia [ja]


botany: acacia, bégonia, camélia, dahlia, forsythia, fuchsia, gardénia, hortensia, magnolia, pétunia, séquoia, zinnia ;  


This page written by Ginette Chamart Copyright © AIT Thailand 2009. All rights reserved.